Bangkok Breast Implants and Breast Augmentation Surgery
Augmentation mammoplasty, commonly referred to as breast augmentation or a boob job, is a type of aesthetic plastic surgery used to enhance small breasts. Some women prefer larger breasts for a sexier look and a boost in self-esteem. A boob job is usually performed in order to improve one's body image and confidence. There are several techniques for breast implants and human fat transfer.
Types of Incisions for Breast Augmentation in Thailand
When it comes to breast enhancement surgery, there are three standard incisions:
- Periareolar incision – This incision passes through the milk duct and is made at the junction of where the pigmented areolar skin meets the natural breast skin. The incision is approximately 1/3 of the areolar in size. The advantage of this is that due to the incision location, the color of the pigmented skin can help hide it.
- Transaxillary incision – This incision is made under the armpit and is around 4-5cm in size. It is made in the armpit’s natural crease, where a submuscular pocket is created in which to insert the breast implant. However, this incision may lead to the implant being a little high due to the incision area. The scar will be visible only when patients raise their arms. There is a limit of 250/300 maximum cc. that can be inserted via this type of incision.
- Inframammary incision – This is the most commonly used incision and is approximately 5-6cm long and created at the base of the breast. Because of the incision location, this allows for direct access to the submuscular/subglandular plane without going through the milk ducts. However, it will leave a visible scar.
Types of Breast Implants
There are several types of breast implants used by surgeons to perform a breast lift and improve a person's body image. TransgenderThailand's partner hospitals in Bangkok, Thailand only use FDA-approved implants to prevent breast implant leaks and other complications.
- Saline-filled Implants – Saline implants are a type of breast implants that are filled with sterile salt water. Should the implants leak at any point during or after the healing process, the implant will collapse and the saline will be absorbed and naturally expelled by the patient's body.
Saline implants are approved for breast implants in women aged 18 and older. - Silicone Breast Implants – Silicone implants are filled with silicone gel. In most cases, silicone gel-filled implants feel more like natural breast tissue.
If the silicone implants leak, the gel will remain inside the silicone shells or escape into the breast implant pocket. Silicone shells filled with gel will not collapse in case of a leak.
Patients who choose silicone shells filled with silicone gel are advised to visit the plastic surgeon regularly.
There are two types of silicone implants:
Textured Breast Implants- The rough surface of these types of implants allows it to adhere better to surrounding tissue
Smooth Breast Implants- This type of implant feel softer, allowing it to move around the breast implant pocket. Smooth also gives more natural movement than its textured counterpart.
- Gummy Bear Breast Implants - Gummy Bear Implants, also referred to as tear drop implants, earned their name because of their ability to maintain their shape even when the implant shell is broken. The consistency of the silicone gel inside this type of breast implant is thicker and firmer than traditional options.
- Round Implants - A round breast implant can make the person's breast appear fuller than other form-stable implants. Round implants are also a top choice for patients looking for more projection.
All three types of types of implants come in a wide range of sizes and can have either textured or smooth shells. The surgeon will carefully discuss pros and cons of each type with patients before choosing which implants to use.
Breast implant positioning
There are three different possible placements for breast implants:
- Subglandular pocket – This is beneath the breast tissue
- Submuscular pocket – This is under the chest muscle or subpectoral plane
- Biplaner pocket or dual plane – This is under the muscle and partially under the breast tissue
Putting the implant under the breast mass
Putting the implant under the muscle of the chest wall
Putting the implant on the Dual Plane which is combining both
Good candidates for Breast Augmentation
In order to be considered for breast enlargement or breast implant surgery, patient's must fulfill important criteria:
- For a better surgery result, patients are advised to take the estrogen hormone for at least one year before the scheduled breast lift surgical procedure.
- Patients must be in overall good health
- Patients must have realistic post-operative expectations
- Patients must be 18 years of age and above
- Non-smokers
- A person who is not currently breastfeeding
- A patient who is not satisfied with their breast size or the appearance of their breasts following significant weight loss
- A patient with drooping breasts
Breast Augmentation Preparations
Patients must follow these steps before their breast augmentation surgery.
- Consult with an expert surgeon to discuss expectations, physical health, and medical concerns. Patients will need to undergo a physical examination, as well as get blood tests and a chest x-ray prior to the plastic surgery.
- Patients and their surgeons will also discuss and decide on the type of breast implant, incision area, and implants’ brand to use.
- Patients must stop smoking 2 weeks before the procedure.
- All blood-thinning medications or anti-inflammatory drugs like Aspirin, Ibuprofen, hormones, and herbal supplements must be stopped 2 weeks before the surgery.
Some plastic surgery patients, especially those who are scheduled to receive more complicated medical treatments, to prepare a bag in case they elect for a night stay following the operation.
Breast Augmentation Procedure
- The operation is performed under general anesthesia.
- The surgeon will create the incision and place the implants as agreed during the consultation with the patient.
- The surgeon will adjust the shape and navigate the implant behind the center of the nipple to help balance the breast.
- If implants are saline-filled, the surgeon will then fill the implant shell with sterile saline.
- The plastic surgeon will suture and bandage the incision. In some cases, plastic surgeons insert drainage tubes to the surgical site to prevent the accumulation of fluid following breast surgery.
- The procedure lasts about 1-2 hours, depending on several factors, such as the implant size.
While breast augmentation is usually considered an outpatient procedure, some people may elect to for a night stay.
Post Breast Augmentation Surgery Reminders
Some important reminders for post-operative care:
- Keep the incision wound clean and dry for at least 2-3 days after the stitches are removed.
- Stitches will be removed 7 days after the surgery.
- Follow-up appointments are scheduled 7 days post-procedure, 14 days post-procedure, and one month after the procedure.
- Patients must carefully massage around the breast for at least one hour every day to help prevent capsular contraction and ensure positioning, balance, and shape are maintained.
- Patients should sleep with their torso elevated to help control swelling and bruising.
- Patients should not lift heavy items (over 2-3 kilograms) for 2 months, in order to avoid the moving of the implants.
- Avoid all strenuous activities for at least 2 weeks after the surgery.
- Your breast will be sensitive to the touch and from physical contact and jarring movements for about 2 weeks after the surgery.
- Some patients may be prescribed pain medication.
Following breast lift plastic surgery, patients may also be advised to wear a wireless sports bra or compression bra to reduce healing time, swelling and pain. Wearing a compression bra also helps avoid complications.
Breast Augmentation Recovery
Recovery time varies and it depends on a patient’s physical condition and the surgical technique used. Most patients should be able to return to regular light activities within a few weeks from the surgery. However, all strenuous activities should be strictly avoided for a few weeks to 1 or 2 months.
While breast implants may improve confidence and self-esteem, it is also important to maintain realistic expectations. Breasts will continue to age even after breast augmentation. Weight gain and weight loss will also change how the breasts look. Sometimes additional corrective surgery is required for patients who are unsatisfied with their breasts’ appearance.
Potential Risks and Complications for Breast Enhancement Surgery
Rare complications include:
- Keloid scars from incisions
- Bleeding
- Soreness
- Bruising
- Poor healing
- Breast asymmetry
- Shortness of breath
- Chest pain
- A decrease in sensation or loss of sensation
- Capsular contracture (that may require additional surgery)
- Skin waves or sagging
- Infection (any patient who notices warmth or redness in the breasts and fever must contact their doctor immediately)
- Implant rupture
- Risks associated with anesthesia
- Results may be different from the desired outcome
Questions to ask your surgeon before Breast Augmentation Surgery in Bangkok, Thailand
Dedicated plastic surgeons will take care to answer every question that a patient may pose before and after performing any procedures. It is often advised for a patient to list the questions on a paper in advance of the consultation.
Some key questions to ask a plastic surgeon before Breast Augmentation surgery include:
- Are you board certified in plastic surgery?
- How many years of experience do you have in cosmetic surgery?
- Do you have specific experiences with plastic surgery, such as altering the breast composition, removing excess tissue in other body parts or enhancing smaller breast?
- Are the results I am seeking realistic?
- What are the limitations of this surgery?
- Will there be visible scarring?
- Would I need pain medication during my recovery period?
- What type of implants would be most appropriate to achieve my desired breast size?
- What is the treatment plan?